
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Monday Apr 17, 2023
Mike Gill, once an extremely wealthy and successful businessman, seeks to set fire to the evil and disgusting people that seek to pervert, and destroy everything good in America and the rest of the world. He built an organization to help people that were victims of corruption called "State of corruption".
For 16+ years he has been fighting a massive drug cartel out in New Hampshire!
He puts all the pieces of the puzzle together in a comprehensible and eloquent way. He lays it out before you in an easy to understand and logical way. We connect the dots for the people that are finally waking up. We show everything that's happening logically.
He has true DAMNING EVIDENCE. He knows what he's talking about and shows that there is a way out for the good people of the world. A plan to be able to fight back and win against the deep state.
This absolutely EXPLOSIVE episode is a MUST! You cannot miss it!

Sunday Apr 02, 2023
Sunday Apr 02, 2023
In this episode we follow the money closely to see where the trail of corruption goes.
Shawn Taylor, a decorated retired police officer and patriot based in Nashville Tennessee has been using a special software the United States uses to track terrorists like ISIS. What he has uncovered is damning evidence against our politicians, and people in power.
From drug sales, mortgage loan fraud, and illegal voting campaign contributions. We follow the money and it leads to a big web of corruption in every part of society.
Maricopa County corruption in Arizona is directly tied to the corruption in Tennessee. What is revealed is shocking.
We shine a light on specific corrupt politicians and how they directly play a part in the corruption like Al Gore, Bob Corker, and Barack Obama.
See how the dots connect and we reveal the insidiousness of the recent Tennessee shootings of March 2023.
This is a deep dive into the corruption behind the scenes and how it all connects, this extremely revealing episode you don't want to miss!

Friday Mar 24, 2023
Friday Mar 24, 2023
“Professional politicians in the major parties have ruined our country, serving not the citizens of the nation, but representing foreign powers and ideologies, as well as other special interest groups. We must make the choice not between ‘left’ and ‘right’, but between right and wrong.” - Riccardo Bosi.
Ricardo Bosi is an Author, Speaker, Senate Candidate, Former Australian Army Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel and National Leader of AUSTRALIAONE Party.
The elites that have control and power in the world are a big issue in our political system. People are being led astray by these people because they don't play by any type of rules or have virtue of any sort. They wreak havoc on everyone and everything. Who are these people exactly?
In this episode we go deep into the political climate of not only Australia, but the world. We see how Australia has been ground zero for many sinister games that the elite-cabal play. These are lives they are ruining. It is NOT a game of chess.
We discuss how we are going to save Australia, and make it a moral, Sovereign, self aligned, christian based democracy. Which is economically powerful, militarily intimidating, politically free, and socially cohesive.
Michael Jaco and Riccardo Bosci, both military at the highest level are able to relate and come together in a very cohesive and assured way. Sharing deep political ideals that can make countries BETTER. FOR THE PEOPLE .
This is how we make America, Australia, and Earth a better place.

Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Dr. Northrup, author, healer, visionary and SG Anon, the Q-News Patriot team up with Michael Jaco on a groundbreaking and revealing podcast.
The Vax is hurting and killing people on a massive scale, so we brought a doctor with decades of experience to give you the science on why its causing so much harm and destruction. Learn what's in the shot and how we can heal ourselves from it.
SG Anon with his deep and profound insights and research speaks to why this is being done to humanity and explains the hidden agendas that might not be so plain for people to see.
The purpose of this podcast is to help people wake up to the control of the cabal and manipulation of the quantum matrix.

Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Tuesday Mar 07, 2023
Epic roundtable of patriots! Including Scott McKay, David Nino Rodriguez, and Michael Jaco.
Stay aware! The current events including, the chemical spill and attacking our food supply is all orchestrated!
What should you do to prepare yourself in case WW3 kicks off or a big event happens?
There are many sleeper cells of criminal organizations that are militant, trained, and waiting to be activated so they can carry out more chaos, destruction, and fear.
Patriots need to start getting involved and organized!
Veterans are awake and pissed at the culling and selling out of their country and want to get active!
Within this episode we go over what we've got to do as a country!

Monday Feb 27, 2023
Monday Feb 27, 2023
In this episode we are joined by renowned Tarot Card reader, Janine Morigeau. Janine has been featured on Michael Jaco's channel since the beginning and her predictions and insight is always on point.
Janine’s esoteric background also includes years of intensive training in astrology and numerology.
We dive in depth into a wide range of spiritual topics and world events happening.
What is the truth behind the Chinese spy balloons? Why did Nancy Pelosi go to Taiwan? What are NPC's and how many are among us? Was there something more sinister at play with the severe Turkey Earthquake? What are the dark hats and their pawns up to and planning?
We ask the heart of the tarot cards these questions and more. The answers we found may surprise you!

Sunday Feb 12, 2023
Sunday Feb 12, 2023

Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
It's no secret that human trafficking is rampant amongst the political elite but have you ever heard a first hand account of it?
This is a story of CIA, MKULTRA, and mind control. We go over how it affects people and what it looks like.
The purpose of todays podcast is to expose the CIA, and the Deep State.
Cathy O'brien courageously shares her story of sexual abuse inflicted by not only politicians, but presidents as well. Her story is a dark one that leads to a very bright light of love, and healing. She explains how others can heal from these traumatic wounds as well.
She weaves together a picture, and reveals from her own first hand account how, human trafficking is coming across our open border, the drug trafficking, and the sexualization of our children is all inter related.
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.

Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Most of us are aware that there is a hidden agenda amongst the elite, wealthy and vastly corrupt deep state. But what is it? And what can you do to inform and arm yourself with information so that you are prepared and don't become used like a pawn or fall victim to their shadowy games.
Patricia Cori - author, guide, and visionary, and esoteric knowledge connoisseur, teams up with Michael Jaco on an enlightening episode to share her own deep insights after decades of deep and profound research and authorship.
She is seen as a leading voice and thought provoker in the space of esoteric knowledge and was one of the first to write about Atlantis amongst many other things in our modern times.
In this episode we go over, Trump and the Vaccine. Millions have died from the vaccine. Why is he still pushing it?
We are not anti-trump we are just questioning his motives, mainly the vaccine part.
You should question authority and make sure he’s on track
Question everyone and everything. Think for yourself.
There’s a satanic element to the deep state
And they want to obliterate/mutate and alter our Dna
There is a god code in our Dna and the soul can be accessed through the DNA. To destroy the human race isn’t enough for them. They want to destroy the human soul, which they are attempting to do through the vaccine.
Stop watching the movie and being pacified by the deep state..
Be part of the movie. Stop waiting. Its time for us to act!
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.

Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
In this episode we talk about the all encompassing manipulation that goes on behind the scenes and in front of our eyes everywhere. Every system has been hijacked. From the legal system, to our health system, and even including 3 letter agencies such as CIA, FBI, and more.Former Navy Intel Jack Maxey has absolutely stunning information on the New Hunter Biden laptop! His reveals on the subject are gaining ground and are even beginning to see the light in mainstream media!
These 3 letter agencies need to go away.