
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
"Through the information flow you can get into the mind."
Ole Dammegard lays it all out for everyone to see. We learn how to spot fear based agendas and controlled events, thanks to Ole Dammegard and Michael Jaco's keen sense of intuition.
They want to trick you into thinking it is your will and get you to do what they want.
Its a psychological war and information war, and yes we must absolutely hold steadfast and fight back! Do NOT be complicit in their disgusting game of fear, greed, and power.
In this episode we expose the Deep State and Globalist agenda for domination over your mind and the world. We must arm ourselves with knowledge if we wish to learn how to defend ourselves or even fight back!
To connect with Michael Jaco go to his website - michaelkjaco.com
To connect with Ole Dammegard go to his website - lightonconspiracies.com

Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Wednesday Jan 18, 2023
Silver and Gold is at a borderline breakout level get in now!
Right now is a very opportunistic time to get into gold or preferably silver.
In this episode we go over many different reasons that NOW is a good time and WHY it's a good time.
We will go over the Income/growth/security potential behind precious metals and how it could benefit YOU.
This year many of us expect numerous different markets to collapse or crash.
Historically what prospers when the stock or housing market collapses? Precious metals always has.

Sunday Jan 15, 2023
Sunday Jan 15, 2023
Lifewave is a revolutionary and groundbreaking technology that utilizes phototherapy and photobiomodulation, which is a type of light therapy, just slap a patch on your skin to bring about profound changes in your health!
Lifewave Patches have a wide range of use cases and health benefits. From sleep, energy, general wellness, aging, skin, pain relief and much more!
Live longer with lifewave patches!
Copper peptides are added to the lifewave patch technology to enhance your life and lengthen it.
We can inhibit damage on a cellular level by adding copper peptides which are the most powerful in resetting the human genome to a more youthful state.
David the creator of lifewave technology has helped thousands of families and Navy SEALs achieve results in their life and health with this groundbreaking light therapy technology.
Learn how Lifewave can help you if you are suffering from a vaccine related injury.
Lifewave has numerous wonderful benefits!
In this episode we go into keen detail, explaining how just about anyone can benefit from this fantastic technology!
Lifewave will continue to go on to improve the quality of lives in anyone who uses it!
To find out more about lifewave, go to this website - liveyoungerwithmj.com
To connect with Michael Jaco go to his website - michaelkjaco.com

Sunday Jan 01, 2023
Sunday Jan 01, 2023
Here is your future financial forecast for 2023.
The house passed the biggest spending bill probably in history 1.7 trillion dollars!
The stock market is getting hit hard.
The economy is in a downward spiral.
Stocks and bonds and real estate got hit really hard this year and its moving into next year.
When people dont spend ond people aren’t working. There’s not revenue. Which is partly the cause for the poor performance of our economy right now.
Current trend - function of low supply, high demand, inflationary pressures, and political chaos.
March of 2020 2 1/2 years ago $11.98 an oz.
Today its at $24. That is 98% in just 2/12 years!
The current trend is silver is growing at 38% over the last 2 1/2 years!
Silver has been the best performing asset for the last 2 decades!
Protect and preserve your assets by going into silver!
Minimize risk and maximize return!
What are you waiting for!
Silver is the answer for your financial future!
To get a FREE consultation and ask all the questions you would like about silver go to this website and setup an appointment! /https://kirkelliottphd.com/jaco/
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
To get behind the scenes access of videos Michael Jaco join his Intuitive Warrior club here - michaelkjacosocial.com

Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Nick Alvear was front and center during the January 6th event. Spending 45 days in jail, with a 10 year sentence over his head. Listen to the podcast to find out how he got out and how it was the catalyst for him to take his film career to the next level, and help red pill as many people as possible.
Goodlion.tv is a goldmine of red pill information.
There’s many topics from the disgusting things that happen in Hollywood and more. TONS of films to expand your mind!
Is Elon Musk the good guy he appears to be? Or is he putting on a front?
Is Trump who he appears to be?
In this episode we go over some possibilities of what actually happened to trump.
Observe, do your own research, and come up with your own opinion.
Gov. Desantis has had a prior history with negative groups.
In this episode we go over a wide range of topics to open your eyes and bring knew knowledge to the table.
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
To get behind the scenes access of videos Michael Jaco join his Intuitive Warrior club here - michaelkjacosocial.com
To connect with Nick Alvear go to Goodlion.tv: https://www.goodlion.tv

Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
In this absolute EPIC podcast, we bring the ultimate roundtable.
The Deep state and "elites" of the world are leading us towards, a world of super psychos driven by greed. No empathy for humans or nature. And complete destruction of our planet.
A world of technology, Meteraverse, Transhumanism, and One world government.
Technology and Artificial Intelligence will attempt to dominate the whole planet.
An apocalyptic idea that we are “facing over-population”. And “Technology is the answer to humanity”. According to the deep state.
In this episode we also learn of, perversions of the order of the illuminati
Assassin’s, ritual, demonic possession.
We pry deeper into the Deep states plans such as; building a machine where they never face death and their consciousness will go on.
They want to build a machine planet, machine galaxy, and machine universe. Where they can then escape the judgement of god.
Humanity needs to fight against this and not be fooled into the many roads of destruction and psyops.
We will fight against those who have sold their souls to the devil themselves.
God bless!
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
To get behind the scenes access of videos Michael Jaco join his Intuitive Warrior club here - michaelkjacosocial.com

Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Wednesday Dec 14, 2022
Very awakened and well researched individual SG ANON Who shares the deep corruption he finds
Diving in the the deep and the dark web to find explicit material you can’t find anywhere else. Like information pertaining to Hillary Clintons execution which was witnessed by president 45.
This is one of the deepest dives and disclosure that Unleashing intuition has done.
This is one of if not, THE biggest military operation going on.
We will find out who the deep states mastered are and who they serve. What their goal is. What weapons they use. And the absolutely chaotic, destructive, abhorrent and appalling things they have done. And what they want to continue to do. It is very troubling, but it is a spiritual warfare. And a multi-dimensional warfare.
We are very intensely powerful beings that have a very large robust spiritual energy aura around us. We learn how this has been hidden from us.
We are going through an awakening process.
This life was never meant to be suffering.
This life was always supposed to be fun and joy and something beautiful.
SG ANON claims these topics will help awaken more people
Why is Antarctica the most militarized place in the world?
Covid 19
The election fraud
The financial corruption
Child trafficking
The deep state does unspeakable things that includes blood magic.
More and more militaries are going to become crushing the deep state but its going to take time,
There’s so many Angles to this snake. And we have to cut off all their heads.
Were going to have to teach the correct nature of our universe.
The level of deception about the nature of our earth is gigantic, and it needs to be corrected.
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
To get behind the scenes access of videos Michael Jaco join his Intuitive Warrior club here - michaelkjacosocial.com

Monday Nov 28, 2022
Monday Nov 28, 2022
Patricia Cori has amazing disclosures that you can't miss.
She reveals the secrets of our DNA, and the corruption and dark plan that is in place to steal the human soul.
Many other interesting topics such as, CERN stirring up the spirit world, we touch upon many dark agendas that are being set in motion right now, views on global control.
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
To get behind the scenes access of videos Michael Jaco join his Intuitive Warrior club here - michaelkjacosocial.com
Patricia Cori - Website: https://www.patriciacori.com

Friday Nov 18, 2022
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Want to learn the extent of the corruption in 3 letter agencies like the CIA and the FBI?
This podcast blows the lid off of the corrupt, self serving, and dangerous 3 letter agencies like the CIA and FBI. You will learn their MO and how you can tell if they are lying. "Spoiler" - It's when they're lips are moving. They have been setting the stage with their evil antics for a long time.
In this episode we are joined by, Scott Ritter and Scott Bennett. These fine gentleman drop absolute bombshells of truth and reveal some groundbreaking stuff that you definitely do not want to miss.
Reveals on a massive scale, we learn why America, nato, and the deep state want to destroy Russia so bad.
We learn about Russia, and Ukraine, and how to what extent the corrupt politicians and 3 letter agencies have been interfering in their affairs and their populations for so long.
We learn about biological and biochemical labs in Ukraine.
We also learn that Russia is winning the war.
We learn that most countries in the world are beginning to reject America.
A new international currency is coming.
Learn about the great geo-political pivot away from the American singularity into the global multi-polarity.
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
To get behind the scenes access of videos Michael Jaco join his Intuitive Warrior club here - michaelkjacosocial.com
To connect with Scott Bennett go to his website - armypsyop.wixsite.com/shellgame
To connect with Scott Ritter go to his telegram - t.me/ScottRitter

Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Ismael Perez shares some of the most mind blowing information you can find anywhere! Channeling the Galactic Federation and other Star races whilst using his heart as the antenna.
Ismael Perez and Michael Jaco both harness their innate ability to receive downloads from the universe to bring you the information that we are all wondering. When is the grand awakening and are we succeeding in our fight against the Cabal and other dark forces on our planet.
Things are unfolding in our favor now faster than ever, and humanity is waking up faster than ever.
Diving into many deep and epic conversations about alternate timelines, star seeds, other Star Races, The Galactic Council and SO much more!
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
Connect with Michael Jaco here - michaelkjaco.com
Connect with Ismael Perez on his Youtube here - youtube.com/channel/