
Sunday Oct 16, 2022
Juan O Savin & Ole Dammegard on the coming storm and how the US wins.
Sunday Oct 16, 2022
Sunday Oct 16, 2022
Juan O Savin, Ole Dammegard, and Michael Jaco come together to disclose amazing information and truths.
What are the Deep State Baddies planning? What are they doing currently that is making everyone suffer? What is the coming "storm" going to be when things get real?
The Deep State is panicking and are trying to push people down on their knees in every single way they can.
The Deep State Cabal is losing. And we are winning.
Juan O Savin and Ole Dammegard divulge fantastic news that hasn't been exposed yet!
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
Connect with Michael Jaco here - michaelkjaco.com
Connect with Juan O Savin here - 107daily.com
Connect with Ole Dammegard here - lightonconspiracies.com

Sunday Oct 09, 2022
Sunday Oct 09, 2022
We are joined by Heather Mays on Michael Jaco's Birthday to give an intuitive outline of what's to come in October. How can we navigate the coming rocky month?
For October - bumpy ride, challenges, overcoming things that we wrestle with.
The word for October is "Elevate".
Anything we want to take action on, are we elevating it or escalating it?
Higher frequencies, and shifting energy to elevate us. As we witness grace and call it in for ourselves, we renew and refresh ourselves and become whole.
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
Connect with Michael Jaco here - michaelkjaco.com
Connect with Heather Mays here - heathermays.com

Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
How did Michael Jaco awaken? How did he unlock his intuitive abilities? How do others do the same?
We are joined by Mark Bauer, a top tier operator in the military. We learn about his epic story and life.
We have two warriors and tier 1 operators, the best of the best, describing how they became aware of the spiritual, esoteric, and metaphysical side of life. They describe their awakening process and how they became aware of all the deception, lies and deceit the cabal and deep state shove in the world population face.
The conversation between Mark Bauer and Michael Jaco helps bring deep insight into Michael Jaco's life and what he's seen, done, and been through to become who he is today. The two gentlemen are able to relate to each other very well and it brings out the best in them.
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
Connect with Michael Jaco here - michaelkjaco.com
Connect with Mark Bauer here - valhilcapital.com/mark-bauer

Friday Sep 16, 2022
Friday Sep 16, 2022
9/11 round table with Sean Taylor, Scott Bennett, Derek Johnson, Patrick Bergy, and Alpha Luna.
The impressions that the date and event of 9/11 left on the world and these esteemed individuals, will never be forgotten.
What exactly happened on that transformative day? What events transpired that caused such a permanent and profound change in the world?
Let’s pull back the curtain and uncover the truth with this epic roundtable of patriots! Truth, insights, and clarity! This shock to the system exposes corruption on a massive scale! Logic, foresight and sanity! What did the cabal get away with at the time and how are they paying for it now!
Don’t miss out on this EPIC Conversation and podcast!
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
Connect with Michael Jaco here - michaelkjaco.com
Connect with Derek Johnson here - derekjohnsoncountry.com
Connect with Alpha Luna here - thealphawarriorshow.tv
Connect with Sean Taylor by email - ftgsolutionsllc@gmail.com
Connect with Scott Bennett here - armypsyop.wixsite.com/shellgame
Connect with Patrick Bergy here - freedomstream.tv/author/patreon_25767443/

Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Gregg Braden shares his amazing mind and how we can unlock our ultimate potential!
Episode 1 in a 2 part podcast series with Gregg Braden!
Trans-humanism and the negative affects it is having on our society, it atrophies certain parts of the brain as we begin to use technology more and lose ourselves. Stunting human growth and adolescents begin to see themselves become more anti-social and much more.
Plant medicine has its time and place but, we hold these chemicals within inside of us and are capable of releasing them ourselves. We can turn it on and off just like the Tibetan monks do and have an extremely profound experience.
Altered brains states and deep brain waves that affect our lives and performance in every area of our life!
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
To connect with Michael Jaco go to his website michaelkjaco.com
To connect with Gregg Braden go to his website greggbraden.com

Friday Aug 19, 2022
Friday Aug 19, 2022
This podcast is an absolutely fascinating one with astounding information regarding druidic earth sciences, how crop circles are created, plasma fields and energy, fairy's and much more!
Patty Greer has witnessed and been out in many crop circles while Penny Kelly has done all the lab work and science to back it up and bring logic to a very right-brained realm of thinking and belief.
If you've ever wanted to uncover the truth about crop circles this is the episode for you!
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
To connect with Michael Jaco go to his website - michaelkjaco.com
To connect with Patty Green go to her website - cropcirclefilms.com

Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Wednesday Aug 10, 2022
Disclosure on a cosmic level! Jenny Lee is back along with a new guest who has deep and profound insights to the Secret Space program, Galactic federation, Cosmic Wars, the Emerald Order, the brotherhood of light, and the wars of the dark cabal against the forces of light and much more!
This epic episode brings mind blowing information on many levels!
Michael Jaco, Ismael Perez, and Jenny Lee are advanced souls tasked with delivering truth for the awakening and greater good of humanity, the planet, and the rest of the universe.
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
To connect with Michael Jaco go to his website - michaelkjaco.com
To connect with Jenny Lee go to her website - jennyssight.net

Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Saturday Aug 06, 2022
Alan Fountain, Sex Crime Survivors Activist - Analyst of Cabal Crimes - Predator Survivor, Advocate & Writer. Brings the heat when it comes to exposing deep state baddies and Cabal. Not only does he shine a light on evil but he brings many spiritual topics to light as well.
Michael Jaco and Alan Fountain go into deep and enlightening discussion of the Schumann Resonances, Frequencies, Angelic Numbers, Numerology, Covert White Hat Operations, Information Warfare, and the Secret Societies and Deep State that are able to manipulate the world on a massive level.
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
To connect with Michael Jaco go to his website - michaelkjaco.com
To connect with Alan Fountain go to his website - gf4justice.com

Saturday Jul 30, 2022
Saturday Jul 30, 2022
Silvers price is exploding in the last week of July as the Global and U.S. economy indicates things are getting worse.
Learn the current state of the U.S. and Global economy as Dr. Kirk Elliot and Michael Jaco drop knowledge and wisdom. These two very aware and intuitive individuals bring you the best financial information at a time of uncertainty.
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
Get a FREE precious metals consultation with Dr. Kirk Elliott: https://kirkelliottphd.com/jaco/

Friday Jul 22, 2022
Friday Jul 22, 2022
Michael Jaco gives his views and predictions of the current and future political climate of the United States and the rest of the world.
Unfair election steals, the upcoming 2022 Mid-Term election, politicians falling from grace and much more.
Michael Jaco also touches upon the United States and Global Economy. Using Remote Viewing and Intuition techniques he has developed over a lifetime.
This is an extremely informative podcast that you don't want to miss!
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
To connect with Michael Jaco go to his website - michaelkjaco.com