
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Michael Jaco asks the question we are all wondering. Who is behind this evil agenda to spread fear and evil across the planet? Who is the dark cabal that wants to stifle the human race's growth towards a golden age of peace and higher levels of consciousness and existence. What is their plan for suppression and societal collapse?
Leo Zagami is a Writer, Researcher and Creator. He has uncovered many shocking truths that the dark powers that be do not want you to know. Written in many of his books and detailed even further in his most recent book.
Leo Zagami doesn't hold back and tells it all in this shocking but informative episode of Unleashing Intuitions Secrets Podcast.
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
To connect with Michael Jaco go to his website michaelkjaco.com
To connect with Leo Zagami go to his website leozagami.com

Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Michael Jaco and Dr. Christopher Macklin drop the knowledge and wisdom in this epic bombshell episode.
We cover many amazing esoteric topics from multi dimensional entities, unique gifts, the Earth's Consciousness, and Trumps return.
Dr. Christopher Macklin developed unique gifts early on in life. His path led him down many spiritual roads. From warding off negative entities, homelessness, enlightenment and much more. Ultimately leading him to where he is today where his ministry helps heal peoples hearts, minds, and souls.
You do not want to miss this epic episode!
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
To connect with Michael Jaco go to his Website - michaelkjaco.com
To connect with Dr. Christopher Macklin go to his website - globalenlightenmentproject.com

Friday Jun 10, 2022
Friday Jun 10, 2022
Michael Jaco brings the best guests, Dr. Lana Morrow esteemed Neuroscientist and healer and Illiana Star Traveler and Channeler make for an EPIC conversation and mind blowing download of esoteric information.
On this Episode we discuss a wide range of esoteric topics including, rising levels of consciousness on the planet, ancient space arks made of multi dimensional crystalline technology.
Dr. Morrow's advanced technology that heals you through frequencies, crystalline, light. The technology heals the human body blueprint/matrix. It heals the soul.
Illiana provides a very deep and spiritually profound explanation for the wide range of topics. Also providing her remote view on the state of the world and what is likely in our future.
Michael Jaco likens the conversation to how he was able to achieve extraordinary things in his life as a Navy SEAL and while simultaneously raising his consciousness in the process.
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
To connect with Michael Jaco go to his website - michaelkjaco.com
To connect with Dr. Lana Morrow go to her website - thinkinterfaces.com/team
To connect with Illiana go to her website - seekingthetruthinr.wixsite.com

Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Michael Jaco and accomplished Writer, Philosopher, Traveler, and friend, Brad Olsen come together to reveal metaphysical disclosure on a grand scale.
In this episode we touch upon many topics, including multiple timelines, the first being a tyrannical threat to not only ourselves but the entire galaxy. The second being the golden age. Which timeline are we on? And has time been manipulated? All is revealed in this podcast and more.
Higher dimensional beings and the entire galactic council are watching us to see what we end up doing.
The galactic council made a very narrow vote to send people back in time to save the timeline. Earth needs help.
Timeline wars, corrupted media and politicians, cataclysmic events stopped out by the white hats, massive power and wealth.
It all sounds like a plot straight out of a movie. Or is it?
What is Earth's destiny and will we usher in the sublime new age deemed the "Golden Age"?
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
Find out more and connect with Michael Jaco at - michaelkjaco.com
Find out more and connect with Brad Olsen at - bradolsen.com

Friday May 06, 2022
Friday May 06, 2022
The system is starting to show cracks as grassroots movements begin to gain momentum and strength in numbers as they push back against the media and corrupt officials.
Dr. Christiane Northrup with her illustrious career drops serious knowledge bombs about the state of our society, our health care system, mandates, and much, much more.
Kevin Hoyt is exiled From his home state of Vermont as he begins to expose corrupt officials and people with power and influence in his state. If they didn’t have anything to hide, why push Kevin out of his state?
Lisa Schermerhorn brings many amazing spiritual truths to the forefront as she shares her experiences and knowledge with the amazing group of people.
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
To connect with Michael Jaco go to his website - michaelkjaco.com
To connect with Dr. Christiane Northrup go to her website - www.drnorthrup.com
To connect with Kevin Hoyt go to his website - www.vtvault.org
To connect with Lisa Schermerhorn go to her website - peakperformancemindsetcoaching.com

Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
Wednesday Apr 27, 2022
This life enhancing natural product line is truly next level. Created by cutting edge doctor and scientist. Solving issues such as Covid, Vaccine Side Affects, brain chemical imbalances and much more.
Root natural products are the best in the industry at what it does. Including Detox, Focus, stress management and improving performance in every area of your life. Combining health benefits and nootropic like affects, this product seems to do it all!
Michael Jaco with his Navy SEAL mindset is always looking for ways to bio-hack and take his life to the next level. And he finds it in Root products. Feeling inclined to share this amazing product with the world, the proof is in the pudding.
But what is the secret to Root products?
Michael Jaco brings on one of the creators of Root to find out, and discuss how it has changed his and the people around his life. Clayton Thomas lays it all out on the table and why this product works so incredibly well!
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
To get the ROOT brand products go to this website - therootbrands.com/jaco
To connect with Michael Jaco go to his website - michaelkjaco.com
To become an Intuitive Warrior Club member go to this website - social.michaelkjaco.com/register

Friday Apr 22, 2022
Friday Apr 22, 2022
In this new podcast episode we are accompanied by Michael Jaco and the desire to search for cutting edge health benefits, Bio-Hacking, and uncovering how our body’s tick.
This roundtable of health nuts and intellectuals, brings together truly thought provoking health questions, mixed with next level information on how to get the best out of life with C60 EVO
C60 EVO is on the cutting edge of health, all the way down to the molecular level of your body, enjoy numerous health benefits including energy, better sleep, 172X the Antioxidant value of vitamin C and lesser known knowledge about how carbon affects our body!
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
To learn more about Michael Jaco go to his website. michaelkjaco.com
To learn more about or buy C60 EVO go this website. c60evo.com/unleashingintuition/

Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Tarot by Janine and Tom Numbers come together with Michael Jaco, this group of deep thinking spiritually advanced souls make for a very interesting podcast. On one hand we have the symbolism of the cards, on another we have the insight from the numbers, this episode goes deep on many levels.
Michael Jaco takes the reigns and drives this podcast into deeper spirituality topics ranging from, awakening consciousness, past lives, reptilians, the state of the world and much much more..
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
To connect with Michael Jaco go to his website michaelkjaco.com
To connect with tarot by Jeanine Morigeau go to her website tarotbyjanine.com
To connect with Tom Numbers go to his youtube.com/channel

Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Dr. Kirk Elliot P.H.D. describes the current state of the U.S. economy, Oil prices spiking, and other world contributing factors that points to the perfect storm of an inevitable U.S. economy and market collapse.
Michael Jaco weighs in, his intuition leading him to buying silver throughout the past 30 years has saved him from hard times and by buying now you will setup you and your family to not only survive but thrive through difficult times ahead.
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
To connect with Michael Jaco go to his website michaelkjaco.com
To connect with Dr. Kirk Elliot for a free consultation go to his website kirkelliottphd.com/jaco/

Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
What kind of art is your thoughts and energy creating?
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Wednesday Mar 23, 2022
Heather Mays is an Author, Artist, Intuitive Counselor, Animal Communicator and Energy Healer.
Heather Mays is able to go into a meditative state and channel your energy into artwork which gives you a physical and tangible representation of what your energy looks like and what you are currently going through.
These new perspectives of yourself bring clarity and awareness, awakening things within you to empower you and bring new resonance with your higher consciousness.
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
To connect with Michael Jaco go to his website michaelkjaco.com
To connect with Heather Mays go to her website heathermays.com