
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Michael Jaco and Sherri Divband share their insights into Galactic Star Children and the next generations rapidly accelerating Consciousness. They have come for a divine purpose and Sherri Divband reveals the incredible things they share with her.
To find out more about Michael Jaco and Unleashing Intuition Secrets go to his Website. michaelkjaco.com
To Find out more about Sherri Divband go to her Website. divinelyguidedchildren.com

Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Michael Jaco and Janine Morigeau bring to light many topics. The tarot cards reveal many things; crypto, the dark hats agenda, jabs, state of the economy and more!
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
You can learn more about Michael Jaco at his Website.
You can learn more about Janine Morigeau at her Website.

Friday Sep 03, 2021
Friday Sep 03, 2021
Michael Jaco and Jerry Sargeant, share their transformative spiritual experiences that made them into the spiritual warriors they are today. They touch on a wide range of spiritual topics, from Magic healing, Angels, Higher Consciousness and more.
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
You can learn more about Michael Jaco at his Website.
You can learn more about Jerry Sargeant at his Website.

Friday Aug 20, 2021
Secret Space Program Disclosure and Earth Changes
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Friday Aug 20, 2021
Michael Jaco comes together with a Roundtable of Spiritual Super soldiers James Rink, Kimberly Lusanna, and Jenny Lee to disclose information on the secret space program, earth changes, and more..
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality.
Connect with Michael Jaco on his Website
Connect with James Rink on his Website
Connect with Jenny Lee on her Website

Thursday Jul 22, 2021
The Awakening of the Collective Consciousness with Michelle Fielding
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
Thursday Jul 22, 2021
“We have reached the tipping point of the 60% collective consciousness, which is required to begin the process of ascension from 4D to 5D for Planet Earth. The Shift has been building momentum internationally, and has now reached it’s capacity as a collective to initiate the next face of Planetary Awakening and Ascension.”
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality. In this week’s episode he welcomes Michelle Fielding to the show. Michelle is a Spiritual Coach, writer and channels the Archangels in her work. Michael and Michelle discuss current events and how the masses have reached the tipping point in the Global Awakening.

Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Star Children are Anchors of the New Earth with Sherri Divband
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
Thursday Jun 24, 2021
“Star children are these masters that come in to teach and guide us. They have astronomical intelligence and they are here to do all aspects of life and help Humanity and how we operate in medicine, education, innovative technology etc. They are much more advanced than us and come in with this innate knowledge to show us a better way.”
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality. In this week’s episode he welcomes Sherri Divband to the show. Sherri is an Intuitive Life Transformational healer, a Reiki master and the founder of Holistic Healing Center and Divinely Guided Children, which focusses specially on children’s spiritual development and guides them and their parents on their journey. In this episode Michael and Sherri discuss the importance of Star children’s role on the Planet in the creation of a New Earth and a beautiful future for us all.

Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Ascension through Self-knowledge and Self-empowerment with Alex Collier
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
Thursday Jun 10, 2021
"Humanity has reached this point where we wanting to break free. We’re being drawn to a Higher Ground. And we try to figure how to get there… and most of us, we all know, even the younger generations, that there’s something wrong and we need to make a change.”
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality. In this week’s episode he welcomes Alex Collier for the second time to the show. Alex brings the philosophy and wisdom of the Andromedans 11th Density Beings to help us through ascension, and talks about Humanity being Royalty, the current transitional time on the Planet and what it will take to ascend to Galactic Federation level and much more.
Connect with Alex on his Facebook or website.
Or email him directly: galahad1818@outlook.com

Friday Jun 04, 2021
The Rebirthing of Humanity in Current Times with Janine Morigeau
Friday Jun 04, 2021
Friday Jun 04, 2021
“In the next year we should already see a lot of blooming, that seed is already sprouting. Even in the next year you already should see a new direction in art... I feel like we’re going to get a lot more pure and vibrationally higher.”
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality. In this weeks episode, he welcomes Janine Morigeau to the show. Janine is a High intuitive, Tarot reader, You-tuber, Spiritual life coach and Astrologer. Together, Michael and Janine dive deep into the rebirthing stage of Humanity: the Renaissance period we are re-living again. Old systems are collapsing and the new ones are getting implemented for the good of Humanity.

Thursday May 13, 2021
Unlocking Current Potential Through Past Lives with Rebecca Shaw
Thursday May 13, 2021
Thursday May 13, 2021
"When you tap into these past lives and you've had certain skills or abilities, or lessons that you've learned, it's like you pull forward, all of that into your current experience. And that's really powerful. "
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality. In this week’s episode, he welcomes Rebecca Shaw to the show. Rebecca is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Founder of the American Hypnosis & Coaching Center, and Past Life Regression Therapist. They discuss his experiences with Rebecca and how he’s elevated his consciousness with her help, tips to get prepared for your regressions, the results of connecting with your past lives, how close children can get to their past lives, and the roles of doubt and trust in your journey.
Connect with Rebecca: website

Sunday May 09, 2021
Loving the Self, the Earth, and All Races with Alex Collier
Sunday May 09, 2021
Sunday May 09, 2021
"Wishing is where the heart wants to go. And doing makes the dream come true. You know, once you know what you want, the only thing in your way is you. There really are no obstacles."
Join host Michael Jaco, Ex-Navy Seal, who teaches you how to tap into your Intuition and Unleash the Power within, so you can become the Master of your Reality. In this week’s episode he welcomes Alex Collier to the show. Alex shares how his contact with Andromedon started, his interactions with them, how he got used to telepathy with them, what the 4th and 5th density are like, what will happen as we move toward the 5D, and what we need to do to continue our consciousness evolution.
Connect with Alex on his Facebook or website.
Or email him directly: galahad1818@outlook.com